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15-minute free introductory call

Find out if my approach is what you need for better performance and long-term stability.

15 minOnline

Service Description

Are you wondering if your issues with pain, injuries, or stagnation in progress can be solved? In this short call, we’ll explore whether my approach is what you need to achieve better performance and long-term stability. During the call, we’ll discuss your specific problem – what’s holding you back, why your body isn’t performing as it should, and what you’re aiming to achieve. I’ll explain how my program works and whether it’s the right fit to address your situation. What will you gain from this call? 1) Clarity: Understand whether my approach is the right choice for your goals and challenges. 2) A personal conversation: A chance to openly discuss what’s stopping you and whether I can help. 3) A decision for the next step: If my program is suitable for you, you’ll have the opportunity to start the process of change. No obligations. No complications. Just an honest discussion about how to overcome your current limitations.

Cancellation Policy

Pogoji odpovedi rezervacije termina Rezervirani termin lahko brezplačno odpoveste ali spremenite najkasneje 24 ur pred začetkom termina. Če odpovedi ne sporočite pravočasno ali se termina ne udeležite, bomo to obravnavali, kot da je bil termin izveden, in vam bomo zaračunali celoten znesek storitve, kot je bilo dogovorjeno ob rezervaciji. Za odpoved ali spremembo termina nas lahko kontaktirate na ali uporabite naš sistem za spletno rezervacijo. Cancellation Policy You can cancel or reschedule your appointment free of charge up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. If you fail to cancel within this period or do not attend the appointment, it will be considered as completed, and the full service fee, as agreed upon during the booking, will be charged. To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at or use our online booking system.

Contact Details

+ 38640654653

Knezova ulica 80, Novo Mesto, Slovenia

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